Thursday 3 April 2014

Training Programme 2 - SELF-TALK

Week Number = 3
Date = 3rd April 2014
Aim of the Week = To introduce and develop your self-talk technique in order to enhance your confidence.

Self-Talk Technique 

Hello X, to start off with I must say that I was very pleased with how you have done the task set for you in training programme 1. This week we will move on and concentrate on the self-talk technique so that hopefully you will build your confidence by using this technique. Your self confidence is quite low therefore I think that this technique will allow us to make it improve.

Introduction of the Technique

Self-talk basically means that you are talking to yourself, either loudly or silently, in order to motivate yourself before the competition. 

Types of Self-Talk

There are 3 types of self-talk technique that will probably come across during your football.

The first is the Inner Critic. This is the inner voice that will judge you as inadequate. You will probably come across that if you make a mistake in a game and you start blaming yourself or thinking that you are not good enough.

After that you may come across the Inner Defender. This is the inner voice that will judge, criticize and blame others around you. It will be a way of not filling guilty about your mistakes but is it really good?

Finally, the most important is the Inner Guide. This inner voice is the most important and you should mostly concentrate on that as it will make you seek the best out of any problems, meaning that if things aren't going well for you you will start motivating yourself by thinking that you can perform better, rather than blaming yourself and others on the pitch.

Exercises for you

Positive self-talk will affirm to you that you possess the skills, abilities, positive attitudes and beliefs that are the building blocks of success. 

For next week I want you to do the following. I want you to make your own list of 4 positive self-talk statements and read them to yourself every night before you go to bed and every morning as you wake up. Through repeated use, they will become embedded in your subconscious and have a profound influence on your sporting performance.

Good luck! 

Athletes Feedback

After some time I have met with X and we discussed the task that I have set him to do. I wanted to find out how he did he do, whether it was easy or not, and what does he think of it. In order to find that I asked X to give me a feedback. 

"Hello coach, I have done the task that you have set me and now I would like to share with you how it went. 

Firstly I wanted to say that I quite like the self-talk technique and it could be useful for me in the future. The 4 self-talk statements were well picked by me and I have also followed your instructions of reading them to myself every night and every morning. I have chosen the following statements:

No one will get past me in defence

I will not give up, even if things aren't going well
I will always give 100% effort
I will feel more confident on the ball

I was reading them to myself and I must admit that I went training yesterday and I still had them in my head. I haven't yet got a chance of playing a competitive football this week but I think that during the game I will still think about that and I will say it to myself quite often. 

Overall, I am happy with the self-talk technique and I'm looking forward for next week."

1 comment:

  1. Positive Self Talk
    P7 Planned
    Well done Hubert this week you decided to use Self Talk as your training technique / skill in order to improve your chosen athlete’s confidence Your choice is well thought through and does once again relate to your initial analysis of the athletes strengths and weaknesses.
    This has been successfully planned. You have described clearly the power of positive thinking and the need to replace negative thoughts with more positive statements and affirmations. the type of self talk and its benefits have also been discussed.

    The exercises given to the athlete are applicable to their experience and sport. You have tried to get them to specifically think about the pressures and situations that they find particularly emotional.
    M3 Monitored.
    The progress of the athletes has been checked again and the specific feedback/ evidence adds credibility to this process. Remember to use this for your distinction evaluation
