Thursday 17 April 2014

Training Programme 4 - ROUTINES

Week Number = 5
Date = 17th April 2014
Aim of the Session = In this session the aim is to introduce the technique of routines so that you could enhance your confidence even more. 

Routines Technique 

Hello X. This week we will look at the technique of using routines in order to enhance and develop your confidence even more. By this time we have already done quite a lot of stuff on developing your self confidence but I think that if I introduce to you this technique as well you will have more options and therefore your self confidence would hopefully be high during every situation in football. 

Introduction of the Technique

Routines are a set of actions that you follow in order to improve your performance, enhance motivation, or, in this case, develop our self confidence. 


Routines are often developed consciously, but also you may come across a routine that has been developed unconsciously. Routines mostly occur with performance. For example, in your game preparations you may find some routines that you always do that help you with the performance. The routines that we want to concentrate will be to do with your self confidence. I think that in order to do that we could put together all the techniques that I introduced to you before. Goal-setting, self-talk and imagery could made a routine and therefore I think it'll be easier to get all them into one. 

Exercises for You

This exercise will require a little bit of thinking from you but I am sure that you'll do it just fine. 

I want you to describe the things that you usually do before, during or after a competitive football game that help with your confidence. You can say about the things you always used to do, but you can also include the things that you have learned recently, meaning that you can write about the goal setting, self-talk or imagery techniques if you still use before competitive football games. I want you to do them under the following headings:


Please think careful and remember, I only want you to write about the routines you do in order to build your self confidence, not improve your skills. 

Good luck X!

Athlete's Feedback

Recently I went and talked to X about the task I gave him to complete about the routine technique. We talked for a bit, and he gave me a feedback on how he completed that exercise. 

"Coach, I am very happy with all the techniques so far in this training programme. I find all of them very useful and it's very good that whilst doing the routine technique I can connect it with the goal-setting, self-talk and imagery techniques that I have done before during that programme. 

To be completely honest with you I had to think hard about any self confidence routines that I did before starting this training programme with you and I must say that I couldn't think of any. I can see now that my lack of confidence didn't came from nothing. I never did anything to boost my confidence and I feel quite bad about it. I am 18 years old and have been playing football since I was probably 9 so if I never practiced anything to build my confidence during this time must be bad. However, now I've been introduced some of the techniques that I find very useful and over the past few weeks I have developed some routines that help me with my self confidence. 

Firstly I still have that long term goal that I am working towards, which was to score at least one goal during the season and to concede the lowest number of goals in the league. At the moment I still haven't scored a goal but the number of goals we've conceded is pretty low and I am happy about it. This long-term goal gives me a confidence and motivation because I really want to achieve it. 

A routine that I found I am doing before every game is that I am using the self-talk technique to motivate myself and give myself high confidence for the game. I talk to myself in my head saying that I can play good and if I make any mistakes I think to myself about how to resolve that problem and how to perform better. This is a routine that I follow all the time during the competitive situation and I am really grateful for you for introducing the self-talk to me. 

I want to continue and build more routines but at this moment of time I don't have any others as it's still only a few weeks into the training programme but hopefully at the end of the season I will have some routines that will keep my self confidence high.

Thank you coach." 

1 comment:

  1. The Use of Routines
    P7: Planned
    You have introduced to your athlete the use of routine this week in order to develop their self confidence.

    Routines can and often do play an important role in an athlete’s preparation for an event or competition. It good that you have therefore used this slightly later in the programme once they have built up some other foundation psychological techniques.
    The Use of Routines
    P7: Planned
    You have introduced to your athlete the use of routine this week in order to develop their _______.
    Routine can and often do play an important role in an athlete’s preparation for an event or competition. It good that you have therefore used this slightly later in the programme once they have built up some other foundation psychological techniques.
    You have ensured the athlete is aware of the power of routines.

    The exercise given asks them to use the information provided to produce their own routines. It is also impressive that you have linked this with previously leant’ techniques such as positive self-talk and goal setting.

    M: Monitored

    You have got some mixed feedback this week but that's fine as it is a learning process for you and the athlete. The problems experienced would be addressed in the programme evaluation. The important thing is that you have an open communication line with the athlete and have built a relationship with them that is now very honest.
